Join us online to learn how to prepare your lawn and vegetable gardens for a successful spring season!
It is time to set you and your lawn up for a successful growing season. During this portion of the online class, you will learn timely lawn chores and information that will help you have a successful spring green-up. Being prepared and having a good long term plan is a recipe for success.
The other half of this online class will explain how to be a Green Thumb Gardener of Vegetables. Presentation includes recommended varieties for spring gardens in the Montgomery County area along with the proper planting and care for abundant produce.
Please use the following link to Eventbrite to register:
Registering for the class through Eventbrite will ensure you receive an email on Friday, February 19th with the Microsoft Teams meeting link which is the online platform being used. The maximum number of attendees allowed to join us online using Microsoft Teams is 300 in order to preserve the internet bandwidth. The first 300 to click the link and join the class on Saturday morning will be able to participate and view it “live”. A recording of the presentation can be emailed to anyone registered and unable to join the class on Saturday morning.
If you have any questions, please contact the Master Gardener Help Desk at (936) 539-7824.