November 2, 2019 from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
by Sharon Walker
Montgomery County Master Gardener
Montgomery County Master Gardeners are looking for residents and friends to visit the Demonstration Gardens at the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension at 9020 Airport Road in Conroe, Tx. on Saturday, November 2, 2019. Throughout the gardens Master Gardeners wait to welcome you and provide information on best gardening practices while highlighting the plants, unique features and activities necessary for each of the demonstration gardens. There are 14 demonstration gardens for your perusal: Floral, Bog, Adaptive, Herb, Aquaponics, EarthKind, Orchard/Grapes/Turf, Vegetable, Composting, Greenhouses, Bees, Native, Memory and Super Stars. Under the Guru tent, Master Gardeners provide information and advice for your individual gardening issues. Best gardening practices per Texas A&M AgriLife Extension provide the basis of work in these demonstration gardens.
Check out the bee colony, the beauty of an herb garden, examples of EarthKind, Super Star and native plants recommended for Montgomery County, way to garden when physical limitations impact your gardening in the Adaptive garden; how plants, water and fish are interwoven in an Aquaponics system; new landscaping plans for vegetable gardening; best grapes for the table or wine making as well as how to make wine; turf choices for Montgomery Co.; and plants for a shade area, full sun, dry areas or moist areas. In addition, Master Gardeners will be available under the Guru tent to answer your personal gardening questions.
Presentations and events are available in the Tom LeRoy Education building and the pavilion for everyone which include:
- A thirty-minute presentation by Michael Potter, CEA Horticulture Agent at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30 on “Landscape Design Steps for Your Yard” along with “Needs of your Turf this Time of the Year”.
- Becky Smith, Assistant Family and Consumer Health Extension agent, will demonstrate how to make a delicious dip to enjoy and share during this fall season.
- Urban Youth Development & Junior MG Extension Agent Justin Saenz will be working with Master Gardeners to provide fun activities for all the participants in the pavilion.
- Agriculture & Natural Resources Extension Agent Brandon Gregson will be available to visit and answer questions on raising large animals, ponds, or producing hay.
You will definitely have fun, learn more about gardening and connect with a great source for your gardening issues!